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with our experts
Elevate your organization’s performance with JEI’s customized processes and professional services.
✓ Optimal results made simple
✓ Over 1,000 projects
✓ Maximizes productivity
Joseph Enterprises International’s Illustrious history
Achieving extraordinary outcomes
through challenging circumstances.
Rev. Jacquelyn Joseph Jackson & her Twin Joy-ce-lon Joseph
Dec. 1975
Southern University of New Orleans
Rev. Jacquelyn Joseph Jackson (Deceased) graduates with a degree in Accounting. This drives and provides a platform for Founder/CEO Joél L. Joseph, MPA, MAT to continue attaining degrees and educating the world.
Kindergarten Graduation
New Orleans, LA. Circa 1986
Feb. 2008
The Sweat off My Back is Published
Mr. Joseph Self-Publishes a Book of Poems, Essays and Inspirational Pieces that highlights the struggles of a young African-American Man in the aftermath of Katrina (2005, New Orleans, LA), college and aspirations to break out of the socio-economic chains of poverty in the poem “Temperance.”
Sept. 2013
Founding of Joseph Enterprises
Mr. Joseph Founds JEI as a way to continue to build community relationships and business to create generational wealth and opportunities for those who want the America dream, but have not necessarily had to opportunity or knowledge to build it themselves.
Dec. 2016
A Journey 2 Greatness is Published
After Traveling and Speaking through the South East (Louisiana, Alabama and Florida), Mr. Joseph realizes that the issues of Growth lies in empowerment in a holistic way. Therefore he challenges other young African Americans to take their health and empowerment seriously through this text about emotional, spiritual and physical growth.
Dec. 2020
The Follow-up: 21 Days of Accountability is Published
The 3rd Text that Mr. Joseph produces which emphasizes personal growth, breaking destructive habits and overcoming obstacles, including the Pandemic of 2020. This Powerful Follow-Up challenges readers to create positive habits of mind, which change paradigms and shifts their situations to be able to conquer any oppositional situational in their life.
May 2024
A Leap of Faith & Resurgence of a Dream
After 13 Years in Education (Middle Grades Science), Mr. Joseph decides to take a leap of faith and leaves education to pursue business full time. This resurgence of purpose and effort propels JEI into the market place as a FULL TIME Competitor. Since May, Mr. Joseph has completed RCPS ASPIRE program for Educational Leadership, the United Way’s VIP Program for Nonprofit Leaders, and Spoken at his partner church Greater Bethany Baptist Church to inspire others to follow their purpose and passion. Mr. Joseph is now committed to providing leadership to JEI in the future and beyond to reach the goals of building strategic partnerships and developing the growth of JEI and other communal businesses.